Cationising the water. Breaks the Hydrogen bond to provides positive charge to water
De-ionise minerals to change them into soft colloids surrounded by membrane of positively charged water so that they don’t attract each other
Make the water molecule very small with significant reduction in surface tension. The smaller molecules can pass through very very small pores.
Significantly improve quality of water , reduces hardness , add antioxidant & antimicrobial effect. Maintains level of useful salt/minerals required for human body. It also provides nice moisture to human skin .
LTIWET treated water possesses very good cleansing and detergent effect. Reduces use of detergent material for washing and cleaning with improvement in cleaning and reduction in stain marks. It prevents scale and slime from sinks and drain-pipes and controls the generation of micro-organisms which can cause bad odours.
cat-ionized water molecule make it possible for the living to absorb water very smoothly which lead to enhancement in growth of plantation. Fruits and vegetables soaked in LTIWET treated water remain fresh without any decay for longer duration preserving fragrance and purity.
Eliminate scale formation and remove existing scale. Reduce hardness of water. Restrain rust from building up. Increase longevity of pipes and parts exposed to water. Very well suited to cooling tower ,water heating and cooling systems .